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Anise Myrtle || Native Mist

Our Anise Myrtle blend promotes strength in healthy boundaries and personal expression. It can be used as a cleansing body spray or for a focused meditation practice. Use the spray to clear your mind and work with the intention of releasing any emotions that are inhibiting you from expressing yourself fully. These oils, essences and crystals have been carefully combined for their energetic qualities.


This mist is made of Australian Native high quality oils with an overall refreshing & uplifting aroma. Balm Mint Bush, Prostanthera melissifolia, has a wonderful, uplifting and refreshing mint aroma, followed by a gentle Eucalyptus note. Some people may pick up a gentle pine note as well. This blends with the Anise myrtle, Syzygium anisatum, which has a licorice and aniseed aroma, fresher and more pleasant than traditional anise and aniseed.


The Flower essences of Mountain Devil, Illawarra Flame Tree, Pink Mulla Mulla & Dog Rose combine together to promote boundaries, express healthy anger, come out of co-dependency, and help to release anything blocking the expression of love. If one has an overwhelming sense of rejection or a deep ancient wound in the psyche that keeps them guarded and prickly, these flowers help to embrace life more fully.


The Crystal essences of Ruby, Sapphire & Citrine help to love where there once was pain, communicate clearly, and transform stuck emotions.


The Native Australia Mists are our own range of mist sprays, to return us to the wild lands of ancient Australia. These synergestic blends of Australian botanicals have been formulated with the intention to nurture the embodied remembrance of our deep connection to land and spirit; and create an atmospheric and visceral recall of the experience of traversing through Australian deserts and scrub land.


Please store in a cool dark place, out of sunlight, heat & air exposure.

As an empowered and sovereign being, please conduct your own research, or consult your health practitioner, before deciding whether a herb is the right plant for you right now, and ensure there will be no interactions with any medications you may be using. If you are self-medicating, and have any worsening of symptoms, please stop use of the herb and seek the advice of a qualified professional.

Anise Myrtle || Native Mist

  • Product name: Anise Myrtle Native Mist
    Ingredients: Syzygium anisatum (previously Backhousia anisata), Prostanthera melissifolia, Lambertia formosa, Brachychiton acerifolius, Ptilotus exaltatus & Bauera rubioides. Crystal essences of Ruby, Sapphire & Citrine. Witch hazel, Spring water, Ethanol
    Origin: Lovingly made Nimbin
    Size: 50mL

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