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Sacred Wood Drops || Tabernanthe eboga 15mL

Tabernanthe eboga is a West African shrub that has a long history of use by the people of West Central Africa & pygmy cultures for such purposes as initiation, divination, and healing.


The Gabonese continue to use the plant today traditionally for diverse Bwiti religious rites of passage, medicinal purposes and ritualistic experiences to connect with ‘spirit’, the ancestors, and one another. It is a plant that keeps the community together and a sacrament of transition. The plant has many effects depending on the intention, dose, environment and the individual.


It is warming, bitter, stimulating, hypnotic and oneirogenic (dream enhancing).  When working with the wood it is normal to have emotions rise up to the surface.


The plant has many active alkaloids and constituents that synergise together to powerfully trigger the body's own healing process, providing deep and long lasting experiences and benefits.


This extract distills the plant spirit in a powerful way so that even drops can have great effects, especially when used consecutively and allowed to build up in the system.


Caution: Do not combine with any other herbs or medications. Accumulates in the body.


Please store in a cool dark place, out of sunlight, heat & air exposure.This product has not been evaluated by the TGA for safe internal use. It is sold as a raw botanical product for ethnobotanical research purposes only.

Sacred Wood Drops || Tabernanthe eboga 15mL

  • Latin name: Tabernanthe iboga
    Common name: Iboga / Eboka
    Family: Apocyanceae
    Origin: Ghana, Africa. Lovingly made Bellingen, Australia
    Size:  15mL

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